Hi, In this article, DIY Raspberry Pi Laptop project will be told. I needed a low cost mini computer with high mobility but then i decided to make my own and i start to this project. Most of the parts(expect Raspberry pi 2 and its some of materials) were bought from china and the total cost of this project is 110$. There is video of this project under this paragraph. You can watch this then you learn how i did this project step by step.
1. Raspberry Pi 2 First, I want to start with Raspberry Pi 2. Raspberry pi is a mini computer that contains all the Pc compenents. Raspberry Pi 2 is the lastest version of it and it’s price is 35 $.2. Why Raspberry Pi Laptop? Raspberry pi 2 is a great platform for developing software but it is hard to find screen and keyboard everywhere. It decreases the portability of Raspberry Pi. In addition, it has a lot of input-output ports like 4 USB ports, 1 HDMI port. Third reason is low power consumption of Raspberry. The total power consumption of my system is 7.8 watt. It drains 650 mA from 3s lipo battery.
3. Materials and Cost Raspberry Pi 2 35$ 4 Gb SD Cart 4$ N070ICG-LD1 LCD Screen 45$ HDMI Cable 3$ Tablet Case with Keyboard 4$ USB WIFI Adapter 5$ LM2596 Regulater 2$ 1500 Mah 3S Lipo Battery 10$ Mouse 2$ 1 Meter Cable Cover. 2$Total: 110$
Most of materials at the photo. I changed the battery after this photo. There are some of the materials below this photo.
**N070ICG-LD1 LCD Screen**
The price of the screen is 45$ and you can find screen at same size for 20$. I choice this screen because of its quality.
**Raspberry Pi 2**
[](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-R_Bkw6xovPI/VfQJii4lFYI/AAAAAAAANq8/3FCPmQY9NWY/s1600/IMG_20150903_182839.jpg) [](https://2.bp.blogspot.com/-p6EjFBHxp4Y/VfQJiuVULbI/AAAAAAAANq8/aqs710Kl1tk/s1600/IMG_20150903_183244.jpg)
**Tablet Cover with Keyboard ** **1 Meter Cable Cover**
The main mechanic parts of the laptop. The box build with this two.
**USB WIFI Adapter **
Its is for connecting to the internet
**Mini Usb Cable ** ** LM2596 Regulator Module**
**LM2596 Regulator ****1500 Mah 3S Lipo Battery**
[](https://4.bp.blogspot.com/-oalw0-hcRMc/VfQJijQ-iuI/AAAAAAAANq8/H3XnqNDjGA8/s1600/IMG_20150903_182925.jpg) **Keyboard and earphones**
4. Assembly Instructions
**1. **Before starting to the assembly. I build the circuit and test it.
After different versions have been tried, finally the working prototype was reached. This is the schematic of the circuit. Basically, LCD screen works with 12 volt and the Raspberry Pi 2 works with 5 volt. Therefore the circuit needs a regulator. There is a switch to cut the power from the battery. When battery is charging, the battery must be switch off and the circuit can be used with DC in jack on the LCD Driver Board. It is a good solution for off battery times.
**2. **At second level Raspberry Pi 2, LCD Driver Board and lipo battery is mounted. A piece of cable cover is placed buttom side of the box. In this way, cable of the keyboard is left in the cable cover.
**3\.** After the montage is completed, Some duck tape is added and the circuit was tried again.
**4. **After I am assured the circuit works cleanly, it is continued with box. Cable cover is cut according to HDMI cable and the sockets.
**5. **Heat sinks are placed on the SOC of the Raspberry Pi 2 and LCD driver board. I want to be sure about that will not have a overheat problem.
**5\.** These two pieces are used for extending the audio output. In this way, audio outputs can be reach from outside of the box easily.
**6.** The cap of a box is cut according to screen cables and sockets. So we completed the most parts of the box of our laptop.
**7. **For good looking some duck tape is used. Low cost DIY Raspberry Pi Laptop is ready for usage. HDMI cable is reachable from outside of the box. Thus Raspberry Pi can be used with external screens or the screen can be used with other devices.
The average current drain by the laptop is 700 mA and Lipo battery has 1500 mAh capacity. The laptop can be use for 2 hour with this battery.
**5\. Consequence**
Finally, we build a functional and simple laptop and it's cost 110 dollars.The laptop is great for develop software for Raspberry Pi. By using Raspberry Pi, you jump into the open source world of the Linux and the big community of Raspberry Pi 2\. See you later...